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If I hold a scientific conference in the future, it will be called "Modern Problems of Analytical Chemistry."
At this conference, I would tell for analytical chemistry the following three practical problems are currently of greatest importance: the development of methods for the analysis of various complex natural and technical materials; methods for determining trace impurities; development of methods for automatic production control.
Methods for the analysis of complex technical and natural materials. In all countries with a developed industry, a large number of chemists are engaged in analytical work in the metallurgical laboratories of the plant, conducting analyzes for geological exploration assignments, for biological, medical and other purposes. A significant part of these analyzes was carried out and will continue to be performed using classical methods. The improvement of these methods gives a direct economic effect due to a decrease in the amount of labor that is needed to conduct the analysis. Good control of production at the same time significantly improves the technological process itself, which gives an even greater economic effect.

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