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KazNPU them. Abaya with its 90-year-old unique history is the first higher educational institution in the country. Since its inception, the university has been a leader in the field of higher education in Kazakhstan and the training of qualified specialists for all spheres of society. The opening of the university was officially held in October 1928 by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh ASSR dated March 23 of the same year. But in order to more intensively develop the education of the population of the republic, it was decided to give the newly opened university the status of an independent pedagogical institute. At that time, he had only one faculty with three departments: physics and mathematics, natural sciences and linguistic and pedagogical. Therefore, in 1930 the university was renamed the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute, and in 1935 it was named after the great Abai.

Mukhtar Auezov, Kazhym Zhumaliev, Kudaibergen Zhubanov and other great writers and scientists read lectures within the walls of KazPI. They actively participated in the training of specialists for other higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. Already the first years of the formation and development of the institute were marked by the fact that it began to supply the country with highly qualified specialists for primary and secondary schools. Over time, the level of training of specialists has significantly increased, a whole tradition of teaching and educating future teachers has emerged. The first scientific research in the field of language, literature and history began to be carried out, which influenced the acquisition of the status of a scientific center by the institute. Thus, by the end of the 30s, the accumulated educational experience, an increase in the material and technical base, the staffing of the staff with scientists and teachers contributed to the fact that KazPI began to be perceived throughout the country and abroad as a large scientific and educational center. It is KazPI that is credited with preparing the conditions for the creation and development of a later wide network of higher educational institutions.

In the post-war years, the need for specialized teaching personnel in schools increased sharply, therefore the number of students enrolled in the correspondence department increased. In 1946, only 60 graduates graduated from the institute, and 362 students were enrolled in the first full-time course in the same year. In 1956, 567 boys and girls were enrolled in the full-time department, and 594 students took part-time courses.

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